
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kek Oreo

Salam semua....sudah makan malam ke? nak makan kek oreo...? alahai...minta maaf la yek...tak sempat nak pelawa, awal2 lagi dah licin... jerung2 di ofis akak ni pantang nampak makanan terus terkam....siapa lambat pakat kempunan laaa..... lain kali lah akak buat kan yek..?

Memang mabeles kek oreo ni...lembut, gebu dan mmmm delicious banget...tak rugi lah akak jenjalan kat dapor cik amy.. terima kasih banyak2....

Aik..!! kenapa nampak pelik pulak tu? Owww... pasal Abang Poi tu ye....itu jurufoto sambilan akak baru lantik semalam...dia kata kesian tengok akak terhegeh2 nak snap gambar sampai tergolek sana tergolek sini nak dapat pic yg cantik... haaa senang lah sikit bila dah ada jurufoto ni... Ok jom kita tengok resipi pulak. Resipi c&p dari blog si amy tu....

Oreo Butter Cake Recipe


225g cake flour
1 tsp baking powder (omit this if you are using self-raising flour)
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
85g unsalted butter, cut into smaller pieces
170g sugar
2 eggs, beaten lightly
1 cup(240ml) non-fat unsweetened yogurt (I use Dutch Lady Natural Flavour)
1 tsp vanilla essence
80g Oreo cookies, roughly crushed (I use mini Oreos)Preheat oven to 180C and grease or line a 8-inch round cake pan.

What to do ? 
Sift cake flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Set aside.
Cream butter, Oreo cookies cream and sugar till it's light and creamy.
Add in eggs slowly. About 1 tbsp at a time and beating constantly for about 2 mins.
Fold in gently 1/3 of the flour mixture until well combined. Follow by ½ of the yogurt and continue fold in 1/2 of the flour mixture, mix till well combined. Then followed by vanilla extract and fold in the the remaining yoghurt and finally the remaining flour.
Lastly, add the crushed cookies and mix well.
Pour the batter into greased pan and arrange whole Oreos on top.
Bake for about 40 - 50 mins till skewer inserted comes out clean.

haaaa....kan dah kata..licin kena pulun

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