
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Selapis demi selapis....

As-salam semua... tuan tanah nak cepat ni.... bimbang kena tinggal dek bas pulak nanti... sebelum bertolak nak tinggalkan bingkisan dulu buat teman2.... hehehe.... Kuih lapis dari dapor gee-hut... sudi-sudikan lah yer... 

Resipi dari dapor Alice Singapore yang telah membuat k.gee tangkap leleh dibuatnya... bukan sahaja kuihnya nampak sedap tapi warna dan persembahan dari Alice telah membuat k.gee tak lena tidur... terbayang2... termimpi2.... sehinggalah berjaya membuatnya malam kelmarin... yes!! compom sedap...!!

Source: Alice S'pore
Recipe is from NCC

What you need:

100g sago flour
275g rice flour
300g sugar
1 tsp salt
1.5 l coconut milk (900ml Kara +600ml water)
3 pandan leaves, torn
pink food coloring, pandan paste, chocolate paste

Prepare 18x18x8cm square pan, brush lightly with cooking oil, lay a heatproof plastic and brush again with cooking oil

Wrap the steamer cover with clean cloth

Bring to boil coconut milk mixture and pandan leaves while stirring continuously, off heat, let cool

Mix together in a bowl sago flour, rice flour, salt and sugar

Pour in coconut milk gradually while kneading the mixture til forms runny batter (I use balloon whisk)

Divide the batter into three, one mixed with a few drops of pink coloring, another one mixed with a few drops of pandan paste, and the last one mixed with 2 tsp chocolate paste

Put the pan in the steamer, let the steamer hot and start with pouring 100ml of pink batter, steam for 10minutes, followed by 100ml of green batter, steam for 10minutes, the next one is 100ml chocolate batter, steam for 10minutes

Continue til batter finished, the last layer is to steam for 20minutes

I spent 2 hours for the steaming process.   p/s : Sorry yer tak sempat nak translate... lagipun tuan tanah sekolah pondok jer... keh..keh..keh

Sambil2 melayan kuih lapis tu, tolonglah doakan agar segala urusan k.gee di sini dipermudahkan serta diberi petunjuk dan hidayah dariNya... Jika berjaya bolehlah k.gee buat kenduri besar2an yer... Terima kasih...


  1. terpesona sy melihat kuih lapis k.gee yg cantik ni...sweetnya kaler tu suker sukerrr

    insyaalah ye semoga dipermudahkan Aminnn

  2. ohhh noooo..
    comellll sangat kuih lapis ni..

  3. Cantik combination colour. Terang je mata melihatnya.
