
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Jus epal yang nyaman

Assalamualaikum.... ada sesiapa yang dahaga tak? saya..saya..saya.... mestilah dahaga k.gee sebab saya puasa hari ini... kan hari ini hari Khamis...  melampau tau pepagi lagi k.gee dah hidang jus epal dengan asam boi... nasib baik iman saya kuat lagi... tapi berbuka puasa nanti saya nak try lah buat air ni... 

hehehe... minta maaf yer kalau ada yang terliur tengok jus epal k.gee ni.... musim panas sekarang ni kan... apa kata kita banyakkan minum air dan jus buah-buahan... sekurang-kurangnya dapat menyamankan tekak serta menyegarkan badan... kalau boleh kurangkan manis dan ais... guna buah yang fresh dan air suam-suam kuku.... ermmmmm.... syedaapppp......

Terima kasih kepada Izanman D'cuppies yang beri k.gee petua untuk kekalkan warna hijau epal tu... katanya semasa epal di slice tu.. gaulkan dgn sedikit jus lemon.. ratakan dan kisar.... jadi epal tidak jadi kusam.... thanks for sharing dear...



1 biji epal hijau
2 biji asam boi
1 sudu besar sirap gula (kalau tak bubuh gula lagi baik...)
1 gelas air masak
Air batu hancur secukupnya


Epal hijau dikupas kulitnya dan dibuang bijinya lalu dipotong kecil2

Masukkan kedalam juice blender sekali dengan sirap gula dan air masak

Blend kan sehingga betul2 sebati dan hancur epalnya

Ambil jusnya dan tuangkan ke dalam gelas

Masukkan asam boi dan diikuti air batu hancur dan sedia untuk dinikmati...

Jangan tension tension tau...
jom nikmati jus epal yang nyaman....


  1. minuman feberat saya..memang nyaman sekali..:)

  2. fuhh meleleh air liur tengok jus ni...slurrpppp..

  3. alahai.. kecur tun nengok jus epal campur asam boi nih.

  4. sedappnya.... kecur tengok asam boi tu...hehehehe

  5. Aduh ... nyaman betul minum jus epal asamboi tu tengahari ni.. kak gee :D

  6. cantiknya gambar, kalau depan mata betul2 ni...terus slurppppp je....nyaman je lalu kat tekak...kan..

  7. Best nya di kala cuaca panas ni..tapi panas x smpi ke ptg...kl dh bunyian guruh di langit...:-)
    Sejug baru cukup ni kak...minum berulang2..ehehhe

  8. Eh eh...mana boleh x tensi k.gee...jus feberet tu...ohhh juga utk tips utk kulihat hijauuuuuu je jus tu...tengsss again...

  9. The experts said that the strong consumer demand,[url=][b]PRADA 財布 新作[/b][/url]
    the luxury brand on the one hand control production to raise prices, on the other hand, in order to maintain or expand their market space, and profit margins, and the shrinking of the U.S. and European markets and the strong momentum of the Chinese market for luxuryproduct prices brought momentum.
    Burberry last year's,[url=][b]プラダ バッグ トート[/b][/url]
    profit warning for the entire luxury industry worried that industry growth will slow, yesterday afternoon PRADA no doubt in the HKEx announced preliminary sales figures for the 2012 financial year for the luxury industry into a booster. Reported Group net income for the financial year ended January 31, 2013 amounted to 3.297 billion euros ($ 275 billion), an increase of 29% compared to fiscal year 2011, calculated at a fixed exchange rate, the Group's sales increased by 23% . Earlier luxury suppliers LVMH announced last year, scores quite well last year Group profit rose into sales rose 19%, sold more than 4.4 billion euros (equivalent to 37.428 billion yuan). Although the results are beautiful, but the renewed rise in the price, Yesterday, there was news that the LV will once again raise prices by 4% to 15% range.
    Asia-Pacific region contributed a growth rate of 33%.[url=][b]プラダ 財布[/b][/url]

    PRADA filing shows retail channel sales 82% share of the Group's total sales amounted to 2.664 billion euros,[url=][b]PRADA 財布 新作[/b][/url]
    an increase of 36% compared to the fiscal year 2011, an increase of 29% at constant exchange rates.[url=]PRADA[/url]
    The report pointed out that business growth is mainly affected by the PRADA and MIU MIU brand business growth of 33% and 16%, respectively, compared with the previous fiscal year driven.
    The reporters found,[url=][b]プラダ バッグ[/b][/url]
    the Asia-Pacific region has become a major sales regions PRADA outside Europe, the contribution of sales growth rate of 33%, while in Europe, in addition to the growth in sales outside Italy 36%. The earnings report also noted, PRADA to open 78 new stores in fiscal year 2012 to 461 outlets as of the end of January 2013, the total number of.
    [url=][b]プラダ メンズ バッグ[/b][/url]

  10. dah lama tak buat air epal kisar ni..hari tu cari epal hijau ni kat carefour,mmg nak buat air macam ni, tapi mahal mak aaii..tak jadi sambar..

  11. Nyaman je nampak air apple asam boi tu kan isk isk isk kecur ayak liur dah nie mmg best jd pembasah tekak kan Kak Gee :)..

  12. Sedappppp nye
    memang fuhhh kalu dpt sekejap je habis ni
